Terms and Conditions of Use for EQWIN App

Update date : 2024/04

1. Introduction

These terms and conditions of use (the “Conditions") apply to the virtual stable application EQWIN (the "Application"), including access to data related to French racehorses, as well as race programs as described below (the "Services"). These Conditions apply to the exclusion of all other conditions, unless expressly and mutually agreed upon in writing between you and Ypoverse. These Conditions apply to individuals not acting within the scope of their professional activity registering on the Application to open an account ("you," "your," or "the User") to become a virtual owner of a stable.

The Application is owned and operated by Ypoverse SRL with its registered office at Avenue Louise 65, box 11, 1050 Brussels, Belgium, and registered with the Crossroads Bank for Enterprises (RPM Brussels) under number 784.431.575 ("Ypoverse," "we," "our," or "us").

The Conditions contain general and legal information about your rights and obligations as a User of the Application.

Please read these Conditions carefully. During the user account creation process on the Application, you expressly accept these Conditions through a dedicated checkbox to benefit from the offered Services. You have the option to review these Conditions before creating your account on the Application and to save or print them afterwards.

If you have any questions or comments about the Application, the Services, or these Conditions, you can contact us by email at [email protected].

2. Changes to the Conditions

We reserve the right to modify these Conditions. If the change is significant, we will provide you with reasonable notice. If you do not agree to the modified Conditions, you have the option to unsubscribe from the Application, and your account will be deleted. The date at the top of these Conditions is the last update date.

3. Downloading the Application and Creating the User Account

In order to create a User account, each User must download the Application on a device with access to the application distribution platforms (such as the App Store or PlayStore). Users must comply with the requirements of these platforms.

Users can only benefit from the Services once their registration is completed in accordance with the terms specified in this section 3. Registration and opening of an individual account are free of charge. Therefore, Ypoverse will not compensate you when you unsubscribe from the Application for any reason and your account is deleted.

Each User can create only one account within the Application, and Ypoverse reserves the right to deactivate any additional or duplicate accounts.

3.1. Account Creation

The Application user can create an account by filling out the account creation form or by logging in through a social media profile or via the account associated with their device (phone, computer). You must provide correct and up-to-date information and cannot impersonate another person's identity during your registration.

3.2. Password Selection

The user must maintain the confidentiality of their password. This information cannot be disclosed to third parties or otherwise transmitted to them.

The user must choose a strong password, which means: